Code of Conduct.

The Code of Conduct defines a set of behaviours that are acceptable or unacceptable within our school.  The Code includes rules that govern the conduct of learners and relations between learners, educators, parents and the owner of the school.

The aim of our Code of Conduct is to establish a disciplined and purposeful school environment dedicated to the maintenance and improvement of the quality of the learning process through effective teaching and learning.

The Responsibilities Of Learners
  • learners undertake the responsibility to learn
  • to attend all classes daily and on time
  • to do all academic assignments and activities including homework
  • to be in possession of appropriate working/learning materials
  • to have the homework diary signed by a parent/guardian, on a daily basis
  • to respect all persons and property
  • to refrain from abusive language and inflammatory actions
  • to conduct themselves in a safe and responsible manner
  • to develop cheerfulness, tolerance, patience, kindness and self-control
  • to conform to normal, acceptable standards of personal cleanliness and neatness
  • to be responsible for their own work and stationery
  • to protect school property
  • to refrain from acts of vandalism or any other damage to or misuse of school property
  • to refrain from disruptive, undisciplined or uncooperative behaviour both within and outside the classroom
  • to abide by the internal rules, regulations and procedures of the school and the individual class educator
  • to practice tolerance within the context of interpersonal relationships in the school, particularly racial, cultural and religious tolerance and to respect the deep personal convictions of all
  • to refrain from use of drugs, assault, carrying of dangerous weapons, criminal or illegal activities, intimidation, bullying, sexual harassment, victimization, smoking or being in possession of pornographic material.
School Rules
  • learners will at all times be correctly dressed in the official school and sports uniform
  • learners must never do anything to jeopardize the name of the school, by word or deed
  • no running on corridors or on the stairs
  • no learner enters the pool area except in the company of an educator/swimming instructor
  • rough play/games are not permitted on the fields; the educator on playground duty will use his/her discretion in this regard
  • treat the toilet facilities with respect
  • do not litter
  • chewing of gum is not permitted
  • courtesy, respect, good manners and kindness are expected from all learners
  • classrooms are out of bounds unless the educator is present or has given learners permission to be in the classroom
  • learners must ensure that the homework diary is signed by a parent every day
  • girls may not wear jewelery, nail varnish or make-up.  Girls with pierced ears may wear one small stud or simple sleeper per ear.  Boys are not permitted to wear earrings
  • hair regulations must be strictly adhered to:
  • Girls: Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be plaited or tied up.  The fringe must be above the eyebrows and should not obscure vision.  Hair extensions/artificial braids are acceptable, but should be neat, tidy and acceptable for school. Girls are not permitted to colour/tint their hair.  Only simple, blue or white clips, bands, scrunches, ribbons or elastics may be worn.  Gel, mousse, etc. is not permitted.  Clips or a band may be worn to keep back the hair
  • Boys: Hair must be neatly trimmed.  No hair is to extend below the natural hairline in the neck.  The fringe must be short and not obscure vision.  Gel, mousse, etc. is not permitted.  Hair may not be tinted/dyed. Outlandish cult (flavour of the month) hairstyles are not permitted, e.g. step cut, undercut, wedge, shaved head, Afro, Rastafarian, dreadlocks, Mohawk, spiky, high tops, etc.
  • Cell Phones: Learners may not use cell phones to send or receive calls or SMSs during class time or when moving between classes. Phones must be switched to silent during these times. Cell phones may only be used before and after school. A first offence will result in the phone being confiscated till the end of the Term. A further offence will result in a full disciplinary hearing
  • PLEASE NOTE: Serious and/or repeated transgressions could result in learner suspension and/or expulsion.
Unacceptable behaviour:

The following types of behaviour are regarded as unacceptable and constitute a very serious infringement of the Code of Conduct:  abusive language, inflammatory actions, arson, malicious damage to educators’ property, irregular or sustained non-attendance (truancy) of school or class, theft (possession of stolen property), lying, bullying, intimidation, assault, fighting, cheating, carrying of dangerous weapons, sexual harassment, abuse, or any other inappropriate sexual  behaviour, defiance of school authority (e.g. breaking of school rules, etc.), disruption of the educational process within and outside of the classroom, extortion, leaving school property without permission, use, selling or distribution of tobacco products, gross neglect of schoolwork, gross disrespect, racial discrimination.

Serious and/or repeated transgressions could result in learner suspension and/or expulsion.


Sanctions may embrace the range from a quiet, private talk, through to suspension and, ultimately, expulsion.  Sanctions within the range include:

  • verbal and/or written reprimands issued by the Educator/Principal/Owner
  • limited ‘time out’ of the classroom
  • additional and meaningful academic work
  • community service within the school (e.g. cleaning, gardening, administrative tasks)
  • replacement of or reimbursement for damage or loss
  • contacting of parents to enlist their aid and support in dealing with problematic learners
  • suspension or exclusion from specific school activities (sports, cultural, field trips, excursions, etc.)
  • expulsion after due process.  Expulsion is the prerogative of the Head of Education
  • emergency removal and/or suspension pending a disciplinary hearing
The Jurisdiction/Scope Of The Code Of Conduct

The Code of Conduct is in force:

  • on school property prior to, during and following regular school hours
  • at all bona fide (official) school events, both within and outside the regular school hours, where said school events are held under the auspices of the school management structures
  • at all bona fide (official) school events being held off campus
  • at all times when the learner is dressed in the official school uniform and is recognisable as such both within the school property or in public view outside the school.