Welcome to Benjamin
Pre-Primary School
School Days & Times
Monday – Friday
6:45 – 14:00
Half day 6:30 – 1:30pm
Full day 6:45 – 6pm
School Address:
1 Donald Street, Brackenhurst, 1449
087 153 3759 / 072 312 0481
Who We Are.
With over 30 years of combined experience in child care and education, we give you peace of mind that your child’s personal well-being and development is building for a better future.
The Code of Conduct defines a set of behaviours that are acceptable or unacceptable within our school. The Code includes rules that govern the conduct of learners and relations between learners, educators, parents and the owner of the school.
School Premises.
Pre Primary (Winter uniform)

Pre Primary (Summer uniform)

Uniform stockists:
Tel: 011 907-0512
Shop 59 Mall @ New Market
Tel: 011 867-0808
72 Hennie Alberts Street, Brackenhurst
Tel: 066 429 6219
Bracken city mall, 31 Rae Frankel St, Brackenhurst
Discipline System
- Discipline is always approached from the point of view of remediating unacceptable behavior.
- A copy of the school rules and discipline system will be put in the learners’ communication file. It is expected that your child adheres to the school rules at all times.
- Homework is given on a daily basis. If your child wishes to maintain a good quality education, all homework must be done diligently and to set deadlines.
Messages For Learners
- Under no circumstances will our secretaries accept and relay messages from parents to learners during the school day.
- No keys, lunch, books, PE kit etc. may be dropped off at the office.
- Learners are old enough to take responsibility for items left at home and must learn to accept the consequences.
- If lunch is left at home and the educator is made aware of this, we will ensure that other learners share their lunch.
School Hours
- Please ensure that your child is at school on time every day. Not only do latecomers disturb the other learners in the class, and miss the first part of the lesson, but they often get into trouble through no fault of their own, as many rely on their parents to get them to school.
- We would advise that you get your child to school at least 15 minutes before the bell rings. This will ensure that your child has enough time to go to the bathroom etc. before school starts.
Parent Contact Details
- It is critical to send a written copy of any changes of telephone numbers or other contact details to the secretary’s office immediately so we can update our records.
Physical Contact
- Please note that we do not allow any form of cuddling, hand holding, kissing, among others, between learners.
- Should learners be caught behaving inappropriately the relevant disciplinary action will be taken. No physical contact is allowed at any time on or near the school premises.
Written Communication With Educators
- Please date all correspondence, as very often a learner may forget to hand a letter to the educator immediately, and it then appears as if the educator has not taken the necessary action requested timeously.
- If the correspondence is of a confidential nature please send it in a sealed envelope.
- The communication file will be checked regularly, so if there is something small that you wish to bring to an educator’s attention, it is quite acceptable to leave a quick note in the file. Remember – no problem is too small to bring to the educator’s attention.
- We do expect the learners to take pride in their uniform, and adhere strictly to the uniform rules to the very last day of the school year.
- Please refer to the Code of Conduct for dress code.
- We do ask your full cooperation in this regard as it is always important to keep our school looking smart.
Summer Uniform:
– Benjamin Prep Navy Shorts
– Benjamin Prep Navy golf shirt
– Navy socks
– Black Takkies
Winter Uniform:
– Benjamin Prep Tracksuit
– Navy long sleeved shift
– Benjamin Prep Navy School Jersey
– Navy socks
– Black Takkies
- If your child is ill for 3 days or longer a doctor’s certificate is a requirement.
- Please do not take your child’s word if they tell you that they will be doing nothing at school on a particular day, and that the educator has given them permission to stay at home. We do continue with work up until the end of each term, right up to the last day of school. If you are unsure rather call the school and speak to the educator concerned.
- Should a learner be absent for a formal assessment, a doctor’s certificate is automatically required.
- A child who is absent for a formal assessment and who has provided a medical certificate will be expected to write the formal assessment on the first day of their return to school.
- It is the responsibility of the child who is absent, for whatever reason, to ensure that all class work and homework is caught up on their return to school.
- Learners vacating the school premises during school hours will only be released into the custody of the parent / legal guardian.
- The parent / legal guardian is required to fill out the prescribed form / book indicating they are removing their child from the premises.
- The learner will be called and then released into the parent’s / legal guardian’s care.
No learner will be released into the custody of any other family member or friend unless:
- They present a letter from the parent / legal guardian stating that the said person has permission to collect the learner.
- The letter must be dated and signed by the parent / guardian.
- The parent’s / legal guardian’s ID number is reflected and a contact number where the parent / legal guardian can be reached immediately must be given.
- The contents of the letter are telephonically confirmed with the parent / legal guardian by the receptionist.
Should any of the above criteria not be met, the learner will not be released from the school premises.
- Learners will never be given permission by any staff member to leave the school premises on their own volition. Please remember these measures are put in place for your child’s safety.
- We value your input into your child’s education, but we do request that you follow the correct channels of communication. If this does not happen, the person you speak to will often not be able to assist you.
- Always attempt to sort out a problem with the educator concerned first. If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of such a meeting, you are welcome to discuss your problem with the relevant Head of Department or the Principal.
- Educators have been instructed not to conduct impromptu meetings with parents who arrive at any time, without making a prior appointment. We kindly request that all meetings are by appointment only. Please make an appointment through the secretaries or your child’s communication book to see the relevant person as no educator will be called out of the class during teaching time.
We would also like to request that you are punctual for all appointments. Failure to arrive on time for an appointment will result in the appointment being cancelled.
- We kindly ask that you allow a teacher 24hours to respond to any letters, emails and telephone calls as they are in the classroom for most of the day and are unable to attend to your requests immediately.
- Encourage your child to prepare for all assessment tasks thoroughly. Time management is of utmost importance and we request that you assist your child in the respect.
- The Foundation Phase (Grade 1 – 3) learners are assessed continuously during the term.