Grade R Enrolment Enrolment Form (grade R)Date of Application Year Starting at Benjamin Learners Personal DetailsFirst NameLast NameDate of Birth AgeGender- Select -MaleFemaleHome Language 2nd Language Ethnic Group (Required by GDE)- Select -BlackWhiteColouredIndianAsianOtherReligionNationality Who does the child live with? - Select -Both ParentsMotherFatherOtherParents or Guardian Information:Fathers Details:First NameLast NameMobile NumberOffice NumberHome NumberEmailID Number ReligionResidential Address Postal Address Employer Occupation Employer Address Mothers Details:First NameLast NamePhone/MobileHome Number Office Number EmailID Number ReligionResidential Address Postal Address Employer Occupation Employer AddressDetails of another contact in the case of an emergency:First NameLast Name Relationship to LearnerPhone/MobileHome NumberOffice Number Medical Details:Family Doctors Name Contact number Medical Aid Name Membership Number Main Members Initials & Surname Main Members ID Number Does the learner suffer from any allergies?- Select -YesNo If YES, Please specifyIn a critical medical situation, please bear in mind that there may NOT be time to refer to the learner records. The school, therefore, reserves the right to utilise the quickest medical services available.By checking the box below, being the parent / legal guardian of the child you hereby agree that a medical practitioner may provide emergency treatment as may be necessary. I agree.Person Responsible For Payment of School Fees:First NameLast Name Relationship to LearnerPhone/MobileHome number Office Number Please upload copies of the following documents for us to process your application. (Allowed files: pdf, png, jpg) Clinic Card (Grade R & 1 Only) Choose File Birth CertificateChoose File Recent School Report Choose File Mothers ID Choose File Fathers ID Choose File Guardians ID Choose File Submit Form