Pre-School Enrolment

Enrolment Form Pre-School

Learners Personal Details

Parents or Guardian Information:

Fathers Details:

Mothers Details:

Details of another contact in the case of an emergency:

Medical Details:

In a critical medical situation, please bear in mind that there may NOT be time to refer to the learner records. The school, therefore, reserves the right to utilise the quickest medical services available.

By checking the box below, being the parent / legal guardian of the child you hereby agree that a medical practitioner may provide emergency treatment as may be necessary.


  1. Benjamin Pre-school and Pre-Primary hours are as follows: MONDAY – FRIDAY 06:30 - 18:00

       For every 15 minutes or part there of, being late a R100.00 fine will be charged.

Benjamin Preparatory / High School Hours:


                                        Grade R – 1 :     7:30 - 13:30

                                        Grade 2 – 3 :     7:30 - 13:45


Grades 4 - 8:      7:30 - 14:15


MONDAY – FRIDAY: 14:00 - 18:00

For every 15 minutes or part there of, being late a R100.00 fine will be charged.

2.Fees are strictly payable in advance on or before the 3rd day of each month and should any child be
   taken out before the end  of the month; no refund of money will apply. A fee of R300.00 will be
   charged to your account if school fees are paid after the  given date.

3.All overdue accounts will receive a letter of suspension and the child may not return until the
   account is up to date. Full  school fees will be payable during the suspension period. If the account is
   not settled – your account will be handed over for  collection. Legal fees will be for your account.

4.If fees are paid upfront for the full year or part off the year and notice is given at any point, a 10%
   admin fee will be taken off  on the balance of the account, before funds get refunded.

5.One month’s notice on paper or by email is required. No SMS or WhatsApp notice will be accepted.
   Notices of your child’s termination of enrolment must be handed in no later than the 1st of the new
   month at Benjamin Preparatory, Pre-primary,  Pre-school, High School or Aftercare. If this is not
   adhered to, the full fee will be payable. Notice will not be accepted over the phone.  Notice will not
   be accepted for the October – December period.

I have have read and  understand points 4, 5 and 6 and fully agree with this condition of termination. 

7.School fees will be charged throughout a National Disaster or a Pandemic. Discounts will be advised but fees will be payable

8.School fees must be paid in full for the month if absent, sick or on holiday.

9.Fees are payable over 12 months.

10.If you experience problems at home, kindly discuss them with your child/children’s Educator. The information will enable

them to understand and assist your child/children better.

11.If a child has been ill or upset the previous night, the Educator must be informed accordingly.


12.All children’s clothing must be marked clearly. Young children are encouraged to be independent at
     toilet time. Please dress them in clothing that is easily removeable.

13.As part of the school’s control of infection and safety requirements, may we take this opportunity to
      ask for your assistance in the following ways:

-Do not send learners to school with a fever of 37.5˚C or higher.

-Do not send learners to school with any infectious diseases.

-Do not send learners who have had symptoms of diarrhoea and/or vomiting in the last 24 hours.

-Do not send ANY medication to school. By law we are not allowed to administer any medication. This includes  multivitamins.

14.Please send a water bottle to school (marked with child’s name on) everyday, filled with water. (Pre-
     School & Pre-Primary

15.Benjamin Pre-School and Pre-Primary will be closed over the festive season. Parents will be liable
     to pay fees in advance for the month of December.

16.Although we take the necessary precautions to ensure the safe keeping and good health of your
     child, the staff and owners  of Benjamin Pre-School, Pre-Primary and Preparatory are not liable for
     any accidents, medical conditions, death or any other  serious conditions that might avail upon
     your child whilst being in our care.

17.Religious Policy

  Benjamin Pre-School, Pre-Primary, Preparatory and High School is a Private Christian School. We
  follow a Christian curriculum with  Bible stories and Praise and Worship and acknowledge Jesus to be
  our Lord and Saviour.
  The curriculum is compulsory, and no child/children may abstain from it.

18.Smoking Policy 

Smoking is not permitted on the school premises. Smokers should always smoke away from school

19.Academic Ability and Emotional Wellness

Should we observe that your child is experiencing academic or emotional problems, the school will contact the  parents/guardian to have the necessary assessments done.

Should you request for your child to start school at an ‘earlier’ age than recommended, we will request that you take your child for an educational assessment and we will base our final decision on the recommendation of the Educational Psychologists report. Should your child start school earlier and struggle, there is a strong possibility that they may need to repeat the grade. We need to make the best decision which we feel would be in your child’s best interest.  

20.School Uniform

School uniform for children from 3 years is compulsory. Pre-School and Pre-Primary to wear Navy Shorts and Golf Shirts  in Summer and Benjamin Prep tracksuits in Winter.

School uniform must always be worn correctly. Every learner is expected to be in school uniform at school functions and  extra murals.

Refer to the Code of Conduct for a detailed description of Benjamin Preparatory School Uniform. High School uniform to be announced shortly.

Uniform Stockists :

Tel: 011 907-0512
Shop 59 Mall @ New Market

Tel: 011 867-0808
72 Hennie Alberts Street, Brackenhurst

21.School Website 

Please specify if you would or would not want your child’s photo on the website.

Some description about this section


A positive approach to discipline is prompted. Pupils will be encouraged and motivated to develop cheerfulness,  tolerance, patience, kindness and self-control.

Disrespect, insolence and deliberate disregard of rules will be dealt with immediately.  Respect for all adults, staff, peers and parents are very important and encouraged at all times.

Pupils, who repeatedly fail to adhere to the Code of Conduct, will be asked to leave the school.

23.Code of Conduct:

The school’s Code of Conduct and its policies are designed to ensure the happiness and safety of each pupil. The Code of Conduct is based on Biblical principles and standards. These rules are kept to a minimum.

Consistent bad behaviour in a child is often indicative of a problem and parents will be asked to meet with the  Educator/Principal should such a situation arise.

Our school Code of Conduct and its policies, is available on this website

24.It is in your best interest to take a copy of this contract and place it in safe keeping for future


-Birthdays are celebrated with party packs and cupcakes, supplied by parents, should they wish to do

-No child will be permitted to leave the school premises with anyone other than his/her parents or
  unless otherwise  arranged

-Remember, we are here to make your child’s stay a long and happy one. If you have any problems,
  please let us know.

  Please make sure your child is collected promptly after school. If children are collected
  late, they will be put into  Aftercare and the daily rate will be charged.

I understand and have carefully noted the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement and accept them as such. I also acknowledge that I have read and accepted the School Code of Conduct and its policies and will ensure that my child will adhere to these rules.  



I/We the undersigned hereby agree and permit that BENJAMIN PRE-SCHOOL, PRE-PRIMARY, PREPARATORY, HIGH and AFTERCARE is  entitled to:

Make any reasonable enquiries to any party to verify and research any details provided by the applicant on this  application form or any other details is in relation thereto.

Access the files of any credit bureau or its agent or its clients to ascertain the Applicant’s and its Directors and/or

Members and/or Principal’s total available credit profiles when assessing this application and at any time during the  currency of the Applicant’s account with the supplier.

Disclose the existence and the conduct of the Applicant’s account with the Supplier, whether still current or not, to any

Credit Bureau or other credit granter for publication.


-  The Applicant hereby acknowledges that should
    any amount not to be paid on due date, the full amount owing by the  applicant to the creditor shall
    immediately become due and payable without any notice whatsoever notwithstanding  that any
    amount may, as at that date, not yet be due. The Applicant shall pay interest on all overdue amounts
    at a  compound rate of 10%.

    The Applicant further agrees that in the event of its default in any respect whatsoever towards
    the creditor, the creditor  shall be entitled to place the application on “stop supply” without any
    notice notwithstanding that the applicant may  have placed an order for the supply of service prior
    to the stop supply date.


In the event of the creditor instructing its attorneys or collectors agents to collect any amounts, all legal fees and collection  charges and tracing agents' fees as between attorney and client, shall be borne by the applicant and all payments made shall  firstly be allocated towards such fees and charges thereafter to interest and finally to capital.


The Applicant and the surety/ies hereby consent to the jurisdiction of the magistrate court for all actions which may be

instituted against one or all for the recovery of any amounts owing to the creditor.

The Applicant chooses the street address which is furnished on the application form for Credit Facilities as domicillium  citandiet executani for all purposes in respect of the Credit Facilities. Any charges of the said domicillium can only be effected  by the Applicant notifying BENJAMIN PRE-SCHOOL, PRE-PRIMARY, PREPARATORY, HIGH and AFTERCARE in writing of another  complete address.

I/We hereby declare and acknowledge that I/We are duty authorised to sign any/all documents on behalf of my/our company.  I/We hereby further declare that we have read and understand that Standard Terms and Conditions of BENJAMIN PRE-  SCHOOL, PRE-PRIMARY, PREPARATORY, HIGH and AFTERCARE and by signing below, I/We are standard Terms and Conditions.





Unless you at any time instruct the School expressly and in writing to the contrary, your consent is given for the  School to:

1.Collect, store and process information about you and any Third Party of divorced or separated
  Parent  responsible for payment of any or all amounts owing in school fees

2.Collect, store and process names, contact details and information relating to yourself and your Child.

3.Supply information and a reference in respect of your Child to any educational institution which you
   propose  your Child may attend. We will take care to ensure that all information that is supplied
   relating to your Child is  accurate and any opinion given on his/her ability, aptitude and character
   is fair. However, the School cannot be  liable for any loss you or your Child is alleged to have suffered
   resulting from opinions reasonably given, or correct  statements of fact contained, in any reference
   or report given by us; and

4.The School may not distribute or otherwise publish any of your personal information in its
   possession, unless  you give your consent, in writing, to the School that it may do so. Should this be
   the case, the School may only  distribute or otherwise publish the information specified in your
   consent to the people and for the purpose stated  in your written consent.


1.I/We hereby apply to have the child whose name appears on this form as a learner at BENJAMIN

2.I/We hereby certify that I / we are the biological / adoptive parents and that I / we have legal custody
   and / or legal guardianship in respect of the above-named learner

3.I/We take note and understand the following:

a)That the school fees are payable in advance and are due no later than the 3rd of every month.

b)Biological / adoptive parents are jointly and severally liable for the payment of the school fees 
   irrespective of their marital status.

c)In the event of non-payment of school fees, the school will institute legal action against both
   parents  irrespective of maintenance and court order which may exist between the parties.

d)In terms of Section 39 of the South African Schools Act, parents are liable to pay compulsory
    school  fees. This is a statutory obligation.

e)In terms of Section 40 and 41 of the South African Schools Act, the school may enforce the payment
   of  these compulsory fees.

f)In the event of the school having to take legal action for the recovery of school fee, all legal costs,
  including attorney/client fees and collection costs incurred by the school will be charged to the
  parent’s account.

g)If parent/s fail to meet their school fee obligations the school may record the Parent/s non-
    performance with a bureau.

4. I/We undertake to give notice in writing of any intention to remove my/our child from the school and 
    furthermore to return any books and/or equipment belonging to the school which our child may

Person Responsible For Payment of School Fees:

Please upload copies of the following documents for us to process your application. (Allowed files: pdf, png, jpg)